Pulsar Optics (Latvia) has been awarded the title of Innovative Company of the Year in the competition Entrepreneurs of the Year Award 2024 during the Latgale Day 2024 event. The event was organized by the Latgale Entrepreneurship Center (CEC) of the Latgale Planning Region.
Pulsar Optics was recognized for its investments in the development of new devices. A group of employees represented the company on stage to accept the award, symbolizing that the success of the innovations is a result of the collective efforts of both Pulsar Optics’ Latvian team and the entire workforce of the Yukon Group.
This is not the first recognition for Pulsar Optics in this competition. In 2022, the company was honored with the award for Socially Responsible Company of the Year.
Latgale Day has become the most prominent year-end event of the Latgale Planning Region. Now in its fourth year, the event focuses on human resource development and promoting entrepreneurship in the Latgale region.