Pulsar Optics Poland (PL) is a quickly expanding company that’s an important part of Yukon Group, one of the largest thermal imaging and digital night vision technology producers in the world. The Polish branch has helped Yukon Group establish itself as a trendsetter and a leading player in the thermal vision market, known for offering cutting-edge gadgets.
The newest addition to the Yukon Group, Pulsar Optics PL, started operating in 2024 and quickly became the embodiment of a growing group. Composed of a quick-expanding marketing department responsible for various marketing campaigns and a small production team, the Polish branch ensures that no client of ours is left without a comfortable device case.
Pulsar Optics PL, a vital element of the group, helps our group carry the “Made in Europe” stamp, ensuring that we continue developing and manufacturing 99% of our products in-house.
It is not only “Made in Europe” but also made to break new ground always – this is the philosophy of development that Pulsar Optics PL helps bring to life. The many “firsts” help us prove it – Yukon Group was the first to introduce such devices as multispectral binoculars or thermal imaging devices in general, made history by launching digital night vision devices for hunting, as well as offering the first upgradable device Telos, thus helping promote sustainable production practices worldwide.
With the addition of 40 highly skilled employees here at Pulsar Optics PL, Yukon Group can already boast about a team of more than 1000 members working group-wide. Together, they generate a turnover of more than €200+ million per year, strive to innovate, and improve the multispectral imaging devices distributed in more than 70 countries worldwide, not to mention the 10+ fresh revolutionary devices introduced to the market each year.
Pulsar Optics PL, like other Yukon Group companies, focuses on diversity and impartiality, providing a safe and supportive working environment for each team member. This is ensured throughout the whole hiring process, recruiting all of our employees based on talent, not considering such factors as ethnicity, nationality, gender, social status, age, disability, and others.
Talking about our team, we must add that Pulsar Optics PL is committed to ensuring the welfare of its employees. Providing a wide range of perks, the Polish branch of Yukon Group works hard to create a positive and encouraging work environment. From such benefits as New Year and summer holidays, entertainment, cultural, and sporting events to various training sessions, helping our team constantly improve, these measures are taken to strengthen the team and keep the personnel engaged.
The final, crucial point about Pulsar Optics PL, as part of Yukon Group, is that none of our devices are sent to areas of conflict; instead, they are made only for civilian use. In addition to abiding by all EU laws and regulations of dual-use gadgets, we ethically develop and manufacture high-quality devices.