With sincere sadness, we announce that Aliaksandr Alsheuski, the founder and long-time CEO of the Yukon Group, unexpectedly passed away at the age of 61. Alexander was not only a professional in his field but also a person with an extraordinary talent for bringing people together. He inspired others to strive for the highest results, created a trust and support atmosphere in the team, and was an example of perseverance and dedication to a common goal.
He was a visionary who not only saw opportunities, but also knew how to implement them. His ideas and intuition turned Yukon Group into an international group of companies that became a leader in the global civilian thermal imaging optics market.
He was a person who cared deeply about the pain of others, and thanks to him, the company carried out active social activities, supported socially sensitive organizations, and provided significant support to Ukrainian refugees during the war in Ukraine.
The entire Yukon Group team expresses deep condolences to his family, friends, and loved ones. Alexander will always be remembered as an exceptional business leader and a person with a huge heart.
Yukon Group
Aliaksandr started the history of the company group in 1991 with the production of handmade wooden observation optics. The first five wooden products were assembled in an unfinished underground bunker in the town of Lyda, Belarus, and the devices themselves were sold in Lithuania, Germany, Poland, and Italy.
In 1995, cooperation with partners from the United States began, and the American market was entered. Based on this partnership, the Beltex Optic company was founded in 1998, and the Yukon Advanced Optics brand was born, whose portfolio consisted of observation tubes and binoculars.
As the assortment of daytime optics increased, the company began producing the first night vision devices in 1999, and by 2005, the company’s share of first-generation night vision devices in the global market reached 70%.
In 2004, the Yukon Advanced Optics Worldwide group was founded, with its headquarters in Vilnius (Lithuania). In 2005, the company group became the first manufacturer in the world to offer digital night vision devices to the civilian market.
In 2009, the Pulsar brand was registered, which today constitutes an essential part of the production of Yukon Advanced Optics Worldwide. In 2012, the company became the world’s first manufacturer to introduce thermal imaging civilian optics devices.
Today, Yukon Group is one of the most advanced high-tech company groups operating in Europe, with enterprises in 7 countries around the world and more than 1000 employees.